eco measures
In Bali, an average tourist uses 2500 liters of water per day while the locals use only 180 liters. Tourists generate 3.7kg of waste per day while locals generate only 0.7kg. And 50% ends up in landfill. What can we do as a conscious business?
Mana Earthly Paradise responds to the Balinese philosophy of Tri Hita Karana—harmony between people, the Gods and the environment. Ancient wisdom has been woven with sustainable eco-design to create a low-impact oasis
We take our Low Impact Commitment seriously as we implemented sustainable practices throughout the villa to minimize our impact on the environment and promote a healthier planet.
rainwater harvesting
Bali suffers from water shortage. To avoid taking precious water from the Balinese people, we try to be self-sufficient by collecting rainwater to supply all our facilities. The rainwater is captured from our roofs, filtered and treated to potable quality before distributed throughout the hotel so tap water is safe to drink here!
solar energy
Lighting accounts for 6% of total CO2 emissions. At Mana Earthly Paradise, 100% of lighting is powered by solar energy. You can charge all your USB devices using our solar system too!
eco laundry
We use local plastic-free eco-laundry which uses environment-friendly detergent and solution for stains. Wise solution for both mother nature and our body!
earth-bag buildings
Mana Earthy Paradise features 6 earth bag buildings that are the epitome of eco-architecture. They are durable, ecological and have slow heat transfer. It also provide a comfortable and unique living experience while also preserving our natural resources.
eco toilets
We use eco toilet bowls and eco flush toilets at Mana. An average person flushes 39L of water per day using a normal toilet. By simply shifting to an eco toilet bowl, water usage goes down to 4L per day, realising an 86% reduction!
wastewater garden
At Mana, the wastewater from the kitchen, showers and toilets are fed into the wastewater gardens and reused to grow plants and trees. In our wastewater gardens, we reproduce the conditions of natural wetlands—the “kidneys of the Earth”— so that we don't pollute the water of the island we love so much!
reclaimed, upcycled or sustainably sourced wood
Deforestation accounts for 10-20% of global greenhouse gas emissions. All the wood used to build Mana Earthly Paradise is from reclaimed, upcycled or sustainably sourced wood—not a single tree was cut down on site while building.
We rent all of our mattresses — when the contract period finishes in 7 years, the rental company will disassemble the mattresses and recycle at least 90% of the components!