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Food that nourishes life

Mana Kitchen is an organic, probiotic, life-nourishing restaurant where Japanese superfood meets Indonesian cuisine.

We use heirloom vegetables grown in our permaculture garden and other organic sources to serve up

homemade probiotic food that awakens your mind, body, and soul.

Open to all 8.30 AM — 9 PM



Locally-grown food. The idea is to shorten the distance between the farm and your dinner plate. It's fresher, tastier, and more nutritious. It's better for the local economy – and the global environment.

Each morning you can pick the vegetables and herbs you will eat that day from our permaculture garden.

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Menu created by: Yasuhiro Higa

An Okinawa native, Yasuhiro Higa is trained in French cuisine and is an expert in macrobiotic cooking and food-as-medicine. For the past several years, he has traveled extensively around Japan.

Work with local food producers and restaurants to maximize the potential of unique, locally grown produce and revitalize struggling businesses and economies.

This is his first overseas project. Bali reminds him a lot of his childhood growing up in rural Okinawa. He is currently working with cancer doctors to develop food that nourishes life.

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We believe you are what you eat & food is medicine in itself. Our aim is to provide food that maximizes human potential and sustains lives for generations. This is important because so much of the food that we consume nowadays is essentially lifeless and nutrition-less.

White rice grains won’t sprout if you plant them. The majority of rice consumed in Indonesia is green-revolution rice, which yields large volumes but dilutes the nutrition content . . .

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